Jasmine oil is one of the most popular scents in perfumery today. It is often referred to as the king of essential oils (and rose as the queen of essential oils) because it is so widely used. But did you know that there is no true jasmine essential oil? Essential oils are steam distilled.

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Jasmine Oil

INCI Name : Jasmine Officinale

Jasmine oil is one of the most popular scents in perfumery today. It is often referred to as the king of essential oils (and rose as the queen of essential oils) because it is so widely used. But did you know that there is no true jasmine essential oil? Essential oils are steam distilled. But Jasmine is too delicate a flower to be steam distilled, so a solved extraction method is used. This results in a product that is very similar to an essential oil, and even has the same beneficial properties, but it is not a true essential.

There are several different varieties of Jasmine. Not only is the scent lovely, but the flowers themselves are beautiful, albeit illusive. Most varieties of Jasmine do not bloom during the day, which is why most Jasmine is harvested in the evening or early morning.

Jasmine oil blends well with almost any other scent, which makes it a favorite or perfumers. It adds a sensual, warm, lush scent to creations. Because of this it is often blended with oils such as sandalwood or ylang ylang and used as an aphrodisiac. Jasmine is considered an uplifting scent, and is often used by aroma therapists to help ease all kinds of depression, including postpartum depression.

There are 3 varieties of jasmine oil widely available, jasmine grandiflorum, jasmine sambac and jasmine auriculatum. The first variety of jasmine, jasmine grandiflorum is said to be the sweetest smelling jasmine of all. It is a native to India, but this variety is cultivated in many other places including the US, Europe and Africa. This variety of jasmine only blooms in the early morning and its scent is said to capture the freshness of a new day.

The second variety of jasmine, jasmine sambac is much more exotic. This variety of jasmine blooms at night and is said to capture the wisdom and mystery of the moonlight. This variety is native to India as well, but is also known as Arabian jasmine or Chinese jasmine. The jasmine flowers themselves resemble the lotus flower that is popular in Hindu society. This variety of jasmine is said to be a more masculine scent than the jasmine grandiflorum.

The third variety of jasmine is not as easily found, as it is organically cultivated in India. Its scent is different than the other two varieties in that it has an almost fruity aroma mixed with the lush flowery scent. It is truly a unique scent.

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