Jasmine oil is one of the most popular scents in perfumery today. It is often referred to as the king of essential oils (and rose as the queen of essential oils) because it is so widely used. But did you know that there is no true jasmine essential oil? Essential oils are steam distilled.

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100% Pure & Wild/Cultivated Agarwood Oil - Aquilaria Agollocha

Packing : 1 Tola, 5 Tola, 10 Tola, 100 Tola
(1 Tola = 11.50 Grams)

Please email : sales@organicessentialoils.in ( Attn. : Mr. Ankur Tandon)

Agarwood Oil is very precious essential oils from Shiva Exports India. Agarwood Oil, Oud oil is one of the costly essential oils of the world. People of Gulf (GCC) countries are the largest consumer of this pure and precious agarwood oil. In India, the agarwood harvesting takes place in two states majorly. The Orrisa and Assam States of India which produces the top quality Agarwood Oil of the world.

It is also called by different names like Oud, Aloes wood, Eaglewood, Gaharu wood etc.

People of western world are so much like the amzing and precious smell of Agarwood Oil.

Why the agarwood oil is extreamly costly than any other perfume ?

There are two major reasons,

  1. Difficulty to grow and collect the right material for distillation
  2. Low yield from the powder collected from the infected part of mature agarwood.

The Assam State is the primary production of Agarwood Oil in India. People visit there and collect the raw material in high cost ( around $ 1000 - $ 1500 USD /kg) and then distill it. The minimum time for maturing the wood is 3 - 6 months. The people of Australia and USA is always looking for the 100% Pure material but the traders are selling the synthetic products instead of pure one.

Available Item : 100% Pure Agarwood Oil

Product Name
Agarwood Oil (Aquilaria Agollocha)
Agarwood Oil (Aquilaria Agollocha)
10 ml
Agarwood Oil (Aquilaria Agollocha)
30 ml

Steam Distilled Agarwood Oil Variety -100% Pure Guaranteed

Product Name
Agarwood Oil (Aquilaria Agollocha) - GRADE A
1 ml
$ 30 USD
Agarwood Oil (Aquilaria Agollocha) - GRADE A
2 ml
$ 58 USD

Please write an email with required quantity and quality , and we will do prepare a customize PayPal proforma invoice or send you official invoice.

Top - For more details , Please email : sales@organicessentialoils.in

Reason of different names of Agarwood Oil

Agarwood is having a lot of names like Aloeswood, Eaglewood, Oudh, Gaharu, Jinkoh, depending upon the tribe, culture and cultivation area. As agarwood is well known and used since several centuries, so people namedit according to there language, culture. Some people think it as a holy plant and the description of it is also found in Quran( Muslims) , Bible (Christians) and Ramayana(Hindus). The agarwood chips are also used for burning in the holy places, meditation halls and ceremonies.

If one could reach to Assam, he/she will see the old trees ( above 70 years ) on upper Assam region. The agarwood trees are highly available in Himalayan valley. The Mystical fragrance of oud required so much labour intensive work and people now understanding why it is extreamly costly and how the people are extracting the real oudh from the rare plant species, Aquilaria Agollocha.

Places involve extraction of Agarwood Oil

Agarwood Oil is highly produced in Thialand, India, Vietnam and some Icelands like Papua New Guinea. The people Engaged in extraction required a lot of wood ( Insecticidal ) and due to scarcity in Native placeS, South East Asia. But the only reason of distillation is the unsustainable Aquilaria harvesting in natural forests.Aquilaria crassna is now listed as a protected species in Viet Nam, and Aquilaria malaccensis is a CITES red data book listed tree.

India is having good soil for producing Agarwood Trees so the government should take the bold steps for cultivation of Agarwood Oil.

Some low cost agarwood oil is also developed through producers names Oud and high used in cosmetic preparations and other places. This quality is quite infamous and the oils is developed in a particular carrier oil.
